Why Choose CHN?

Over the years we’ve earned the industry’s best reputation for client satisfaction, based on common values, successful experience, and the highest professional standards in the industry.

For Hosts

CHN hosts get 24/7 support, an allowance to offset expenses and the opportunity to bring the world to their front door.

For Agents

CHN is the leading homestay program provider in Canada, having served tens of thousands of students over 25+ years in communities coast-to-coast.

For Schools

Hundreds of education providers and schools across Canada, from secondary to post-secondary, benefit from CHN’s custom homestay management programs.

For Students

When you choose homestay with CHN, you become a member of the family you live with and part of the community you live in.

Start hosting students today!

When you make the decision to welcome an international student into your home, you make a lasting contribution to your family, your community, and the student.

Homestay is life-changing!

“Being part of my homestay family made me feel very safe and comfortable so I could focus on my studies.”

Jake | Student

“I love proud-homestay-mom moments. I’m like, ‘That’s my student! They live with my family, we supported them and they did well.’ That’s when you know you’re doing things right.”

Anna | Host

“I’ve seen and experienced things in my community that I never would have if I lived on my own.”

Jenna | Student

“I’m their host mom. I say, ‘if you’re unsure, ask questions. If you’re angry, shout. If you’re sad, you can cry. If you’re happy, tell me about it.’ I make sure they know they talk to me about anything.”

Susanne | Host

Many things we take for granted are new and interesting to newcomers. It’s like rediscovering the world around you as they see it for the first time.

Rachel | Host

“It was such an incredible experience. I learned so much about Canadians and their way of life, and they learned from me, too.”

Kyoko | Student


Everything you need to know about our services.

  • Is help available whenever students need it?

    Yes, students and hosts have access to CHN support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can count on us to help you whenever you need us.

  • Can I visit the new family before I move in?

    Students cannot visit their host family prior to moving in.

  • Can I pick my new family from a list of options?

    Host families are carefully selected and screened by the Canada Homestay Network. Your new host family will be selected based on the preferences you indicate on your application and what you communicate to your Relationship Manager. Students will not be able to see a list of available families.

  • How will I travel to my new homestay?

    If you are an adult student, you will be asked to find transportation to your new host family. If you are a student attending high school, your new host family or Relationship Manager will arrange transportation for you.

  • Do I have to pay more money to change my host family?

    You may be required to pay an additional fee to change your host family. Please consult your Relationship Manager.

  • How quickly can I move homes if I am not happy?

    Unless there is an emergency, you may have to wait several weeks before moving to a new host family. Selecting an appropriate family is a process that takes time, so please be patient. Your RM will discuss a timeline for relocation with you.

  • Who do I contact if I’m not happy in homestay?

    It depends – sometimes it should be your host, and sometimes your CHN Relationship Manager. In any case, please contact your CHN Relationship Manager (RM) to let us know what’s happening. Your RM will be happy to discuss any of your concerns about homestay with you. It is your Relationship Manager’s responsibility to help you.

  • I want to change my host family

    Remember, a good homestay experience requires an open mind, patience, and clear communication. Moving to a new family can be stressful and tiring for both you and the host families. Often the reasons you’re unhappy with your host family can be resolved. It takes time to adjust to living with a new family. Be patient with yourself and them.

  • What is CHN's business model?

    CHN is a not-for-profit organization with more than 25 years experience in Canada’s international education sector. Like educators, agencies and hosts, CHN is motivated by the common good—how homestay benefits students, host families and the communities that students study in. Fees and host allowances cover the common-sense costs in order to help ensure a successful experience for everyone.

  • How close are homestays from schools?

    Proximity to schools can differ from community to community, but CHN strives to ensure homestays are no more than 45 minutes travel time by public transit, including walking, from partner schools. In peak seasons, such as the summer in Toronto, the travel time may be extended to 60-70 minutes.