Flexible, collaborative & ethical since 1995.

Join our family of hosts

When you make the decision to welcome an international student into your home, you make a lasting contribution to your family, your community, and the student.

Host families who welcome international students into their home:

  • Grow their understanding of the world and its people
  • Make life-long friendships
  • Get to share the beauty of their home and community
  • Ensure their local economy benefits from the booming international education industry
  • Receive a generous allowance to offset expenses

International students who live with Canadian families

  • Learn language and Canadian culture in a healthy, caring environment
  • Get a positive introduction to Canadian family life, which encourages many to apply for permanent residency after graduation
  • Become valuable future partners in trade, political relations and global leadership
  • Bring a broader world-view to their communities back home

All of our students fill out a detailed application and must comply with specific guidelines for behaviour and academic performance.

What Makes a Great Homestay?

Simple: a sensitive and patient family. It can be overwhelming for a student to be so far away from home. A thoughtful host family appreciates that each student is unique, and that communication and mutual understanding take effort.

Our hosts are interested in sharing their lifestyle in a positive and mutually-rewarding way. We do not accept hosts who are interested in money alone. These motives are obvious to students and interfere with the intended homestay experience: a safe, secure, welcoming environment to learn and grow in.

Things to Consider:

Do you have time for a student?

Even the most self-assured, independent students appreciate good quality time with their host family.

Will you be in town for the duration of your student’s stay?

Absences longer than three days must be approved by CHN in advance.

Is everyone in your household ready to accept someone with a different background?

If you have children, are they comfortable with bringing another person into the family?

What hosting programs and opportunities fit you best?

Students participate in a variety of programs. Some are short term, some are seasonal, and some are very popular with students of particular nationalities.

The Hosting Experience

What You Provide:

  • A private bedroom, desk and closet
  • Nutritious meals, every day (meal plans vary)
  • A patient, caring and friendly home atmosphere
  • A 100% English environment for ESL students, or 100% French environment for FSL students
  • The same guidance and attention you would want for a loved one traveling overseas!

What You Receive:

  • A firsthand understanding of another culture
  • A new perspective on our culture, as seen through the eyes of your student
  • The opportunity to make a difference to a young citizen of the world
  • A monthly stipend; the rate depends on the age of the student, meal plan requested, and distance from school
  • Orientation and support from the CHN team and other experienced hosts


    Get started with CHN

    Register to connect with a local homestay expert. 

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