Rust Rust, Care & Support Representative - Eastern Canada

Originally from the UK, Hilary arrived in Canada in 2004 with her husband and two daughters on a posting to Ottawa. They loved Ottawa so much, they decided to stay, and are now proud to have Permanent Resident status. Having worked at the British High Commission in Ottawa as the Community Liaison Officer, Hilary dealt with families before they left the UK en route to Canada, hoping to make the transition as easy and pain-free as possible. Having relocated herself many times, Hilary understands how important it is to have a sympathetic ear at the end of the phone when things aren’t going quite as you had planned! Hilary knows that moving from one country to another is exciting, but that it can be stressful too!

Having studied French and German as a student, Hilary participated in exchange programmes and has first-hand experience with the rather daunting prospect of moving in with a host family. She has also experienced how great it can be when you meet that perfect family, and Hilary is happy to report that she still keeps in touch with the family she stayed with in Hamburg in the late 1970s. It was this aspect of CHN’s work that appealed to Hilary – being able to contribute in some way to making a student’s stay a memorable and happy one; being that sympathetic, helpful person at the end of the phone, and ensuring that no one feels abandoned or forgotten about.