Dobler Dobler, Host Ambassador - Eastern Canada

“Naomi joined CHN as a Host Ambassador in Coquitlam, BC in November 2022. Naomi studied and worked in the fashion industry in Los Angeles and London, UK for years—in retail, magazines, and trend forecasting. When she returned to Vancouver she worked in the film industry as a production assistant, as a restaurant host, and in temporary work for a wide range of companies, landing in publishing and marketing before transitioning to being a full-time parent. Recently she has worked as a freelance editor and proofreader.

Naomi has travelled extensively in Europe, SE Asia, and Australia. With her husband and daughter, she has continued to travel, adding Japan, Mexico, Hawaii, and other US locations to the list.

As a family, they have hosted international students since 2012. She looks forward to continuing to connect with host families and working with the CHN team!”