Help international students fall in love with Canada

Homestay helps students like Jana, from Norway, Marcos, from Spain, and Laura, from Switzerland, integrate into the communities they study in—and break the “tourist barrier”—by offering more than just room and board.
International students from all over the world come to Canada to study each year. Programs that include international students are growing across the country, but especially in places like Upper Canada that offer truly authentic Canadian experiences.
That means a guaranteed, first-hand look at seasons, extraordinary nature, snow, winter sports, and, of course, the little nuances of life in Canada.
“I took this photo yesterday and it made me smile,” says Canada Homestay Network Relationship Manager Eve Campbell referring to a snapshot of three grinning teens, each holding an iconic cup. “How more Canadian (or Ontarian) can a love for Tim Hortons be?”
Eve says one of the best parts of her job connecting local homestay host families with international students is watching the students fall in love with Canada.
The students in the photo—Jana (from Norway), Marcos (from Spain), and Laura (from Switzerland)—recently attended Russell High School in Russel, Ontario and aren’t shy about talking about how much they enjoyed studying and living in Upper Canada.
“They’re torn between the excitement of returning home and, yet, wanting to stay in Canada,” Eve says. “They told me every young person should go abroad at least once to experience meeting new people and doing new things—not simply as a tourist.”
Homestay helps integrate students into the communities they study in—and break the “tourist barrier”—by offering more than just room and board.
Students benefit most when they live with engaged, active families who will help them learn English, include them in their discussions, activities and excursions, and introduce them to the area and Canadian culture.
“The students summed up their feelings about their experience in Upper Canada,” Eve says. “Visiting here wasn’t a year in their lives, but a lifetime in a year.”
Your family can benefit from hosting international students
Canada Homestay Network (CHN) is a family-run, non-profit society that for nearly 25 years has helped thousands of Canadian families welcome students from more than 70 countries.
We’re looking for international student homestay hosts across Canada. Hosts get 24/7 support, an allowance to offset expenses and the opportunity to bring the world to their front door.
To apply to host, go to our host application. For more information, call 1-877-441-4443 or email